Here is a review of my hybrid memoir published in The Taos News and written by Ms. Amy Boaz.

I’m so happy to tell you all that we’ve had a wonderful review of my hybrid memoir published in the Tempo arts section of the The Taos News. It has been a tough time to promote a book due to ongoing Covid issues, but I must say Taos has been a wonderfully receptive place.

Pandemic Winter, Truchas, Jeane George Weigel

Ms. Amy Boaz has written an in depth and perceptive review for us in her regular Pages column, which I’m posting in full below. Not only did we receive Ms. Boaz’s kind response but the town’s terrific SOMOS literary salon is presenting a ZOOM reading on Sunday, September 18th at 4PM (ZOOM link:, Meeting ID: 575 758 0081, Passcode: SOMOS). I hope many of you will join us. Kate (the author) will be reading and I’ll be in the audience. For those of you who can’t make the date just let me know. SOMOS is recording the reading and I can send you a link.

Spirit of the Southwest, Jeane George Weigel

Here’s Amy’s review:

Click Download to Enlarge


Love to you all,


P.S. Huge news. I’m painting again!