I don’t need to tell any of you about the times we’re living in, these unexpected Covid days and weeks and months. I feel that while we’re all living in this collective nightmare, our culture has descended into depression. I certainly feel it. I grieve for all those families who have lost loved ones, and I know you do too, and for those who are struggling to feed their kids and hold onto their homes. And now November 3rd looms and we’re all terrified.

And of course there is very little any one of us can do. We can wear masks when we must go out, wash our hands, social distance, and those of us who aren’t essential workers and have jobs that can be done remotely can stay home. That just doesn’t feel like enough though, does it?

So I got this wild hair a while ago and started playing with charms–you know, like charm bracelets from the 50s for those of you who were around for that. I’m making something I’m calling “charm necklaces.”

Each one is meant to tell a little story and perhaps remind us of what is good in this world.

For me they harken back to family road trips across this vast country, my Dad driving us to all the National Parks, the tent on top of the car, singing with my sister in the back seat.

My pride in living in beautiful New Mexico, becoming a part of this diverse and stunning southwest.

I like to think they speak of our heritage, our shared history, the beauty of our magnificent country, our expanding diversity.

And maybe they can offer just a little fun, a bit of whimsy, to lift some of the sorrow and hate that has descended over all of us and our land. I’m hoping they can help us remember who we are and reconnect to what’s possible.

And while I’m at it, I thought I’d throw in a call to VOTE!

In fact I’ve just posted these new pieces in my Etsy shop, https://www.etsy.com/shop/southwestjewelryus/ and from today through election day on November 3rd, I’m offering them at 30% off as a get out the vote incentive and celebration.

We must vote for an administration that can heal us and bring us back to the light. Again, there is so little we each can do but COLLECTIVELY we have real power. Let’s get out there and use it. VOTE. And make sure, one way or another, that your vote has been counted.

I believe in us, in this experiment in Democracy. The way we are right now, is not who we are. Please vote.

Love to you all,
